Hi Everyone, it's 2017 and I wish you all a happy new year and a prosperous year ahead. So we went mute for a long time in and I know that you were really looking forward to hear from me but everything was quiet as in like pin drop silence around here...hmmm, my darling people, so much happened in the second half of the year and I did my best to catch up with everything going on and with you guys too. My apologies to you and going forward "...(clearing my throat) I do solemnly promise that I shall be constantly in your faces with great, insightful and inspiring goodies from God's word and of course from my thoughts." Is my apology accepted??😔😨 Thanks my people...you are too kind!😘😊😁😊😃💃💃💃💃 2017 is actually going to be an amazing year and we have so much planned to share with you as we yield to God. This is our year of #Unprecedentedprosperity #Unprecedentedharvest God will put things in your heart to do this year, please yield to Him and see how He'l...
A female christian...lol; who she is, what she does, what she thinks, how she lives as a child of God! She rocks!