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Showing posts from January, 2020

HAPPY 2020

Hey Y'all, So my daughter had a meltdown yesterday! Her insides were literally melting and running out through the entry and exit points and I was stunned by how fast her strength was deteriorating, her movements were becoming slow and how my bubbly, smiling, in-charge ‘Jesus-toddler’ was changing - and for not so good – right before my eyes. I was quiet. I watched. I held her and I rocked her back and forth and watched as at intervals her body rumbled and rejected the very things that give it vitality and strength. I was quiet! I was listening, listening for my heart but while at this, my deceiving ex was whispering, coaxing and even shouting at me, telling me the things that were wrong with my child but I was quiet and I listened. Then I heard it! I heard it over and over again by the friendly familiar voice and He said “STAND BY YOUR SACRIFICE…” At that point I knew we were under attack and I was being instructed by our Captain how to...