Hey lovely people, it's amazing how the year is progressing and we are already at the end of May...wow amazing. It has been a great year already and God has shown up for me in several ways, how about you? How has God shown up for you? It will be great to receive your testimonies and great quests with God so far in this year, how God has been good to you and challenges or projects He has brought you through. God is faithful and he will never let you down; and he will never leave you stranded! He's a good God, a good Father. There may be some people who think that the year is running by and they don't even stand a chance to achieve anything because "nothing seems to be working"...well I have a word for you: Romans 8:31-35 (message translation) Rom 8:31 So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? Rom 8:32 If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst b...
A female christian...lol; who she is, what she does, what she thinks, how she lives as a child of God! She rocks!