Hello ChurchGirlz and Guys who love us and read this blog, this is an amazing day and we rejoice and we're glad in it! Continually say that 'the Lord is good and his mercies endures forever' in your life, business, finances, ministry, home etc. God is indeed good to us and has not ceased to do us good. Today I want us to talk about our OPINIONs, yes our opinions. Many times when we speak and discuss, whether casually, at home or in formal meetings, what we relay are our opinions and perceptions about the subject matter...am I right? My dictionary defined opinion as a belief or conclusion held with confidence and this is quite interesting to me because before you reach a conclusion about something you must have experienced the same outcome repeatedly right? So we can easily say that opinions are formed from experience. I like this dictionary meaning because my belief in Christ and what he has done for me in his death, burial and resurrection form my opinion(s). My e...
A female christian...lol; who she is, what she does, what she thinks, how she lives as a child of God! She rocks!