Hello everyone, it's me again and I'm so happy to be posting today! this is officially the first post of this amazing year 2016; the year of God's Glory and I wish you all a great and prosperous 2016.
On this very beautiful morning called 2016 when all “seems” to be beginning on a clean slate, there I was
staring and wondering what good stuff the almighty has in store for me this year…I was looking forward to it with great excitement and amazingly so.
Considering the ordeals that Le Boo and I had been through over a stretch of eleven months, it was surprising to all else that we had the energy and
excitement that we convey through our smiles and banter. We look forward to
each day!

With the sound of ‘Greatest day in history’ by
Hillsong playing in my head, I swung my feet off the bed and landed at the foot
of it; sturdy, steady and sure. I was thinking ‘…in your face satan, I’m up
this morning and nothing is stopping me!’ Still singing in my head, I watched
the lover get dressed and bade him farewell to his day.
Then it began…
Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law by
becoming the curse for me…; I can do all things through Christ Phil 4:19, all
things work together for my good…!
I’m unstoppable, irresistible, I’m amazing, the best
at all I do and I added because God loves me and he gave himself for me; a
remix of Reverend Arome Adah's God is good and his mercies endures forever.
2016 has opened up for me because I'm focused on Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. Kings are coming to the brightness of my rising and oppression is far from me.
I am a joyful mother of children; the devourer is rebuked for my sake and he shall no longer destroy my fruit in the ground or cause my vine to cast her young before her time.
God is indeed good to me and his mercies towards me endures forever! Out of something ugly beautiful pictures emerge for me and my heart is full of joy!
My soul finds peace and I rest in the sacrifice of Jesus even in the face of
apparent defeat but one thing was sure and settled – that God has supplied all!
There is a mighty supply for me!
Friends, don't joke this year. Spend time in God's presence in thanksgiving and consecration to God and him alone.
Speak to yourself; declare over your life what God has done for you and what you desire to see in your life, declare that he is good and his mercy is forever (there's tremendous power released to work in your life when you do).
Pray in the Holy Ghost, He knows what we need before we even think it so allow him to help you to pray along those lines Romans 8:26-28.
Pray for yourself, your families, your church, your nation and leaders, pray for souls/unbelievers that they will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus.
Above all, look unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith. Look to his blood that was shed and his body that was broken to give you salvation, peace and prosperity John 3:13-18. All things will fall into place as you consider/focus on Jesus...I GUARANTEE you!
Friends, don't joke this year!
Happy new year from all of us at churchgirlzrock.blogspot.com, join us as we experience God's glory this great year.
Welcome to 2016.