Hi everyone, I know it has been a long time, I really missed posting on the blog and hearing from you guys but I'm back and I'll give you a peek into the wonderful time I had while I was away.
November 29th to 6th December 2015 was CampMeeting at Savannah Ministries International themed "There is a Mighty Supply" and boy did we have a swell time in God's presence. All the Savannah churches from all across the world were fully represented, Pastors and ministers from other churches were present, worshipers from all over the country and beyond trooped in to enjoy the presence of God! It was truly an awesome time.
I had several high points during CampMeeting and yes, I will share a few with you:

I had several high points during CampMeeting and yes, I will share a few with you:
- 'Follow the promptings of your heart/Spirit in the daily routines and small tasks as he instructs you.' 'See the mighty supply by spending time in God's word.' - Rev. Dominic Gusah. That's how you experience the mighty supply of heaven.
- 'God has always been in the business of demonstration; He doesn't bring his people out of bondage or lack without tokens, favors and riches.' 'God cares about our financial and material needs.' - Rev. Dunka Gomwalk.
- You are Great by Steve Crown led by Chinwe Udeze and the Priests of Praise.
- 'Where there are no treasures there will not be pressure, satan will only put pressure on you to take away the treasure (God's Word) from you, the treasure is not your money or health or peace.' 'If symptoms persists after two days, fire more healing scriptures!' - Rev Joshua Tende.
- God favors me above all else; he chooses me over all every time because He is Just, He favours me!' - Pst Nugwa Adah.
There was a 'laying on of hands' service on Saturday morning by Rev. Arome E. Adah and the power of God was present, an awesome Holy Ghost service. There were instantaneous money miracles and healings, people saw into the realm of the Spirit and enjoyed the presence of God with reckless abandon.
I can't tell you everything but you can get all the messages for the 25 or so sessions on a flash drive; Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. All you need to do is email us on iamachurchgirl@gmail.com for further enquiries and orders for the flash drive.
We will publish some testimonies from CampMeeting 2015 and I trust God that it will help to enlarge your heart and help your faith to receive your own miracles.
Do have a blessed day!
